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19,95 $! TheDiabetesMafia  – The Hongkong Protocol PAPERBACK

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Willkommen bei der Diabetes-Mafia

#letsGetToTheSourceOfHealing – #letsGetToTheRootOfDisease

Was ist da drin?

Warum Mafia?

„Warum nannten Sie das die Diabetes-‚Mafia‘?

Wenn Sie ein paar Jahrhunderte in der Zeit zurückgehen, werden Sie feststellen, dass die Dorfbewohner in Sizilien verstanden haben, dass sie ihre Dörfer schützen müssen. So begann die Mafia. Gegen wen? Gegen die marodierenden Räuber, die auf Booten über das Mittelmeer kommen. Sie begannen als Familie verbundener Beschützer („ ma f amilia “)! Sie gestalteten ihre Zukunft neu, indem sie sich selbst schützten. Die Mafia begann nicht als die korrupte Organisation, die sie jetzt ist.

Warum Diabetes?

Diabetes ist scheiße!

Mehrere hundert Millionen Diabetiker weltweit. Pakistan: 33 Millionen. Indien: 77! Allein in China: über hundertzwanzig Millionen Diabetiker.

Dabei sind die anderen Autoimmunerkrankungen noch nicht einmal mitgezählt. In Deutschland und zwei Handvoll anderen Ländern haben wir eine gute und perfekte Gesundheitsversorgung, und Sie erhalten die gesamte High-Tech-Technologie, die es gibt, um die tägliche Messlatte für Diabetes zu übertreffen.

Diabetes ist ein Killer!

Je besser ich verstand, was wirklich geschah, desto mehr lernte ich Diabetes als Todesursache kennen. Ein Mörder unter einer Maskerade, denn die Zwei-Typen-Erzählung wird Sie niemals an die Wurzeln der Krankheit bringen.

Ein gut gesponserter Killer, denn unter dem Radar kann er Ihnen so viele Dinge stehlen, während Sie damit beschäftigt sind, Tausende von Leckerbissen für das Gesundheitssystem zu kaufen, um Ihnen den Eindruck zu vermitteln, dass Sie die Sache beherrschen. Ein Killer, und er stiehlt weiter: Jahre bis Jahrzehnte des Lebens, abhängig von der stillen Ebene des Chaos, in der er agiert. Er kann Millionen kleiner Blutgefäße und Nervenenden zerstören, selbst wenn man alles richtig macht. Und es nimmt wichtige Infrastruktur des Lebens in mehr als einer Hinsicht weg.

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Werden Sie Teil des Kernteams!

Wenn Ihnen die Behandlung Ihres Diabetes wirklich etwas bedeutet, dann rufen Sie mich jetzt an! +49 twentysixteen 8103974

Wenn Sie bereit sind, Herausforderungen zu meistern, Durchbrüche zu erzielen und in einer hochintensiven Kleingruppenumgebung höhere Niveaus zu erreichen, werden Sie Lars Muff als Ihren Trainer lieben. Rufen Sie mich persönlich für Ihr Coaching-Angebot an! +49 twentysixteen 8103974

Das Buch

‘The Diabetes Mafia’ | Kindle Links: US |  Germany  |  UK  |  Australia |  India  |  Canada


When the idea of writing a book came up five years ago, I had been fighting the consequences of autoimmunity intensely on every possible level for about ten years.

Maybe you have also just been going with the conventional medicine flow. For me this made things worse, because of underlying silent autoimmunity which was undiagnosed.

A medical book! Isn’t that’s what you first think of? Then you describe all the aha-moments you had while you studied the latest brain-wrecking research. Big aha-moments are often followed by weeks and months of translating what the research meant for real life.

 Autoimmune diseases have very similar roots

The nature of roots is that they are far branched. The gardener in you knows that you have to cut them and then dig them out, or at least let them rot until they are gone.

Do you want to find out about the roots of these conditions?

Even if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there can be chaotic silent autoimmunity under the radar.

Now ‘The Diabetes Mafia’ has become a story of how (much) God loves. This book is only the first part of a transformation story, that will capture you.


‘The Diabetes Mafia’ | Kindle Links: US | Germany | UK  | Australia | India | Canada

Any group or organization dealing with the consequences of autoimmune disease that wants their people to become extraordinary, needs to hire Lars Muff. Call me personally to book me for a workshop training (online or offline) +49 fifteensixteen 810 3974

Topic: Agriculture

Does agriculture move in the wrong way?

After you have realized that mainstream agriculture goes the wrong way, one of the things you might want to start right away is a plot, a garden, or even a farm, where things are done differently.

Farming for Change!

In our case we did the farm thing! We, that is a highly successful management consultant, a farmer who been farming organically for decades and myself.

What we created there is truly a paradise and the foods that we produce make you healthier. Well known is our RockStarSalad, which obviously inflicts addiction to people. But that is a kind of addiction we want, right?

Contact me for further engagement!

Call me for a speaking engagement on transformational agriculture, health and the tricks to go there. +49 FifteenSixteen 810 3974

Topic: Health

Consequences of autoimmunity

When I started ‘The Diabetes Mafia’ I had been fighting the consequences of autoimmunity very intensely on every possible level for about ten years. Before I had just been going with the flow of the German medical establishment, which in my case made things worse.

Medical ideas?

It was in 2014, when I first had to digest a lot of medical ideas for a long stretch, and the idea of contributing by writing a medical book, which would make things easier understandable, first came up.

True source of healing

All my aha-moments would have gone in that book. Where is a true source of healing? How powerful were the so-called self-healing mechanisms of the body? How about my relationship with Jesus as my healer? How powerful are healing gifts? And what about being a son in His kingdom?

My biggest aha-moments were always followed by weeks and months of translating what I found into real life.

The biggest Aha!

The book has not turned into a medical book. I followed the advice of my wife to write a love story, because our journey towards perfect health is a journey deep into the heart and the love of our Creator and Savior.

There are multiple parts to that transformation story. Is it important to know the plan of the adversary? Yes, but only for a small 14% portion of the transformation.

Contact me for further engagement!

Call me for a speaking engagement on transformational agriculture, health and the tricks to go there. +49 FifteenSixteen 810 3974

Topic: Tricks & Secrets

"I live in union with YHVH. I do not seek what men seek. Men seek encounters. I am seeking a union. I administer what I see YHVH doing on earth. He is doing mighty things, so I seek union with him so I can participate in what he does." Ian Clayton*

These are Daïthi's words in the last chapter of 'The Hongkong Protocol.'

When life and Spirit fills these words you are in a place of relationship with God, where you learn the deep secrets of His Kingdom.

Contact me for further engagement!

Call me for a speaking engagement on transformational agriculture, health and the tricks to go there. +49 FifteenSixteen 810 3974

*used by written permission of Ian Clayton

Thanks for coming!

Stop a global phenomenon! Sounds crazy, to want to stop something as big as diabetes, doesn’t it? We at TheDiatetesMafia want one thing: We want diabetes to stop! How? We will pinch it in the nose. We will kick it in the rear. We will flip it on the back. We will do all the Guerilla warfare on it that we have acquired in the past decades: one battle at a time. 


#LetsGetToTheSourceOfHealing #LetsGetToTheRootOfDisease

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